jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

A super country I'd like to visit :D

Hello everyone I'm here again and in this oportunity I'd like to show u the country that I'd like to visit (in reality is for a work for english :P).

Sincerely I'm wanna travel around the world (who not?) but I really like to visit one country that is United States, I know that is too mainstream and probably the third mundial war is near but doesn't matter to me. I considere my self a capitalist of heart hahaha and that is the perfect country to me.

Resultado de imagen para quinta avenidaWell, USA is one of most popular country of all, and all is due to the "perfect" economy that they have. Also the citys and the turistic atraction no for nothing USA is the destiny of much people that want travel for a vacations or only looking a one oportunity to araise.

I'm like to make to much thing there but without a doubt I'm wanna visit New York and go over every corner of that city, visit the famous fifth avenue, the central park, and see the liberty englishtening the world.
Resultado de imagen para estatua de la libertad
But I'dont like to live or work there, never leave of side Chile, because is the country that see me born and here I have my family and my person beloved <3

Animal Planet activity

1.1 Respond to the 10 questions in this section. According to your results, what is your favorite dog breed's name? Sealyham Terrier

1.2 Vocabulary Activity: These words appear in the dog breed questionnaire. Look for the meanings AND add 5 more words that you don't know from the same questionnaire.

example: sprinter: (a dog) that can run very fast in short distances (velocista)
jogger: That run and can keep a middle velocity (trotador)
breed: A group that can subdivide in biologic species that have the characteristic bases phenotypic (raza)
to hunt: (a dog) that can capture other species or animals (cazador)
watchdog: (a dog) that is responsible of take care for your house or belongings (aseo)
grooming: Action of keep clean something or somebody
1. Couch Potato: (a dog) that is too lazy (patata de sillon)
2. Roommate: A person or pet that can to accompany you (compañero de piso)
3. Toward: Indicates the physical orientation of an object, person or pet (hacia)
4. Laid-back: (a dog) that don't make disasters (tranquilo)
5. Round-the-clock: someone or something that is avilable the 24 hours (todo el día)

> Activity 2.- Select 3 SHOWS that attract your attention. In two lines for each show, tell me why you want to watch these shows.

Show 1: Cats 101: I'll choose this show beacause I'm like too much the cats and will be interesting watch this show although I don't know what is it about
Show 2: My cat from hell: As I said in the previous show I'm like the cats and watch how horrible can be this animals call me my atention
Show 3: The vet life: I'm study veterinary medicine and this show could I use to learn about the future life that I'll have and the life of other veterinarians 

Without words...

This is uncceptable, I hate this companys, They really don't care the wellness animal, they only do it for money for nothing more, produ...